Saturday, January 25, 2020
Types of Network media
Types of Network media There is many media type. I will choose three type of media. They are The primary type of twisted pair cables The primary type of coaxial cables The primary type of fiber optic cables Network media is the actual path over which an electrical signal travels as it moves from one component to another. I want to explain the common types of network media, including twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable. Twisted Pair Cable Twisted pair cable is can use for telephone communication and can cable ethernet networks. A pair of wires that can transmit data. When electronic signal through a wire, that create small magnetic field around a wire. When place two wire together, the magnetic fields are opposite of each other. So, two magnetic fields are disappear. They can distory any magnetic fields outside. There are two type of twisted pair cable, unshielded twisted pair (UTP)and shielded twisted pair (STP). UTP Cable UTP cable is used for various networks. This cable include eight copper wires covered by an insulating material. UTP cable canceling effective of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). UTP cable is install using the Registered jack (RJ 45) connector. The RJ-45 has eight wire connector. UTP cable is used to connect local-area network(LAN). Advantages of UTP cable UTP cable has many advantages. The cable size is small (approximately 0.43 cm) and easy to install. This cable price is less than other type of network cable. UTP has no wiring ducts as other network cable. It can be most important to consider when installation a network in a building. Disadvantages of UTP cable Twisted pair cable has also disadvantages. However, UTP cable is more avoid electrical noise and interference than other network cables. UTP cable transmit short signal than coaxial cable and fiber optic cable. Coaxial cable Coaxial cable is made of outer hollow conductor and inner wire made of two conducting element. The center of a cable is made of copper wire. Copper wire has surrounding by flexible insulation. Metallic foil is coted over the insulating called second layer. Second layer is reduce the amount of outside interference. Coaxial cable is support 10 to 100 mbps of transfer rate. Coaxial cable is little expensive than UTP cable. However, coaxial cable can cheaper in physical bus topology. Coaxial cable can cabled long distant than UTP cable. Twisted pair cable can run 100 meters(328 feets). Using coxial cable, distance is 500 meters(1640 feets). Fiber optic cable Fiber optic cable can carry more data in longer distance with light signal than electrinic signal carry coxial cable. Fiber optic cable can run 100km(60 miles) without amplifing the light signal. Fiber optical can be used medium for telecommunication and networking because it is more flexible than other cable. Light transmition through the fiber due to reflection within the material. Advantages of fiber optic cable Can run long distance in lower cost Can carry more data No sparks Cable weight is light Storng to electronic interference Disadvantages of fiber optic cable Disadvantages of fiber optic cable is cost and durability. That cable is more expensive the other cable. Network Topology Star Topology This topology is common type of topology used in home and office. At the star topology, central connection called hub which is computer hub or switch. The best advantages is something fault in cable, only one computer can get bad affected and not entire network. Advantages of star topology Star topology is simple in function and easy to manage In star topology, problems can be easily located and easy to troubleshoot The Star Topology is very simple in format so it is very easy to expand on the Star Topology. Star Topology Disadvantages In star topology, entire network is fully depend on hub or switch If there is many nodes, cable is long to connect and network can be slow down Mesh topology In mesh topology to complete, all the nodes are connected to each other. On the network throung hops, every node is connect to other nedes. Some nodes are connect to single hops and some nodes are connect with more than one hops. Mesh topology include the concept of route. Unlike other topology, message can send several path from source to destination.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Language and Gender in Adolescence Essay
In the reading, I agree with Penelope Eckert that adolescents are leaders of linguistic change. According to the World Wide Web, linguistic change is a phenomenon whereby phonetic, morphological, semantic, syntactic, and other features of language vary over time. Adolescents also known as teenagers or youth play a significant role in deteriorating or accelerating the kind of linguistic system in a particular place or community. If to be analyzed, this can be equated to the strong, active and consistent participation of the youth in voicing out their opinions, getting into social issues and trends, and in creating an environment that is suitable and almost ideal to their generation. In my opinion, there are three reasons which support the claim that adolescents are leaders of linguistic change in today’s age. These are peer pressure, media and the Internet. Peer Pressure A primary concern for teens during adolescence is the issue of ‘fitting in’ and ‘belongingness’. Since adolescence is an adjustment period where children suddenly leap to a stage where he or she would start in creating an image of themselves or a self-concept, there is a tendency for them to be lost and confused to who and what they really should be due to the numerous options in front of them. Often said than not, adolescents are more easily swayed rather than adults. It is easier to teach a youngster that is less matured and still in the process of knowing his or herself than an adult who already has a formed principle and beliefs. For example, if there is a new trend, let’s say in fashion or music, an adolescent would normally be swayed to what is ‘in’ and hit’ to most of the people around him or her so that he or she may be accepted in the circle he or she wanted to belong to. This also goes with his or her choice of words and language. Adolescents tend to speak the way people around them speak. They tend to become the persons their environment and peers dictate them to be in order to be socially accepted and relevant. When it comes to choice of words and language, youth can be easily influenced with what vernacular or words to use since in the stage of puberty serves as their training ground and preparation phase of how and who they’ll be in the future. Moreover, due to peer pressure, adolescents are assigned to groups or pacts which can influence another group of adolescents that make the widening of a certain trend expand faster. For example, in the Philippines there is this particular way or style of speaking called the ‘conyo’. In this manner, the person tends to combine his or her vernacular with American English when speaking in public or to certain persons. Most youth embraced this kind of manner since it is what is ‘in’ and famous among adolescents of their generation. Now, if a group speaks that way then heard by another person or group of persons and then that certain persons adopt the manner of speaking, there is a domino effect of the ‘conyo’ style that changes the linguistic system existing in that certain place or community. Media and the Internet Media and Internet are two powerful tools in linguistic change. This can be viewed in two ways: first, media and internet as tools in changing and influencing the minds and behavior of the people, and second, these tools as used by the people to change and influence their environment. Since most media and internet users are composed of the young population, those of which belong to the teen’s age and young adulthood, it can be concluded that the adolescents compromise this population. Now, how do the media and the Internet serve as tools in influencing their users? The media is changing and along the likes of TV programs that are hit to their viewers, people especially teenagers are going along with the change. Since media is a daily part of one’s life, it can easily influence its viewers on how they should be. For example, most teens mimic their favorite artists with their fashion, choice of stuffs and even with their manner of talking and handling things. Aside from the media, the Internet constitutes a great deal in linguistic change. The trends being delivered by Internet services like instant messaging, blogging and social networking influences the culture of its users when it comes to their linguistic style and system. Instant messaging taught us the short-style of sending messages (i. e. â€Å"Who R U? †, BRB, LOL, and the like). Through media and Internet, adolescents are also exposed to different styles of language. They are exposed to the kind of words they see in web pages, newspapers, magazines and different publications, and hear in TV and radios or in podcasts that sooner or later they’ll adopt. On the other hand, these tools are also used by the people to change and influence their environment and co-individuals. Through these, the youth became more empowered when connecting with their co-youth and when sharing their ideals that affect a great deal of people. They became more heard, powerful and capable of changing the linguistic system they live with. They were able to take control of the system through media, internet, and their characteristics as youth and population. To summarize, I believe that adolescents are the leaders of linguistic change. Primarily, the interconnectedness of peer pressure, media and the internet attributed to the power of the youth to be the catalyst of change in their linguistic system due to their own ways and styles of dealing with their environment and in their process of finding and knowing them
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The First Reconstruction Act - 950 Words
The First Reconstruction Act, also known as the Military Reconstruction Act, passed into law on March 2, 1867 over the veto of President Andrew Johnson. The act applied to all the ex-Confederate states in the South, except Tennessee who had already ratified the Fourteenth Amendment. The failure of Reconstruction brought social and economic equality of opportunity to the former slaves in 1865-1877. Due to the after effects of the Reconstruction, America was weak and as time passed, riots and violence occurred in place. Throughout the South, people were emotionally exhausted and many lives had been shattered. Mississippi spent a fifth of its annual budget on artificial limbs for Confederate soldiers. Many southerners including whites and blacks, were homeless and hungry. Emancipation wiped out billions invested in slavery, which had enabled the explosive growth of the cotton culture for the South. As the economy of the cotton market in the South died, tobacco reduced its production along with sugar power and old rice industries plummeting. Due to the low level economy, it lead to massacres and riots. Massacres of African Americans in Memphis and New Orleans helped motivate Congress to pass the 14th amendment. The 14th amendment extended federal civil rights to protect blacks. Violence directed against southern blacks sparked by black protests over restrictive laws being passed by the new all white southern state legislatures. Black codes were passed in the South, intended toShow MoreRelatedU.s. Cong ressional Reconstruction Era844 Words  | 4 PagesThe Reconstruction Era In 1865, the city was devastated because of the crisis that left the civil war. Therefore, political, economic and social issues needed to be resolved to improve and reconstruct the Nation. 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The Civil War and Reconstruction were revolutionaryRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Reconstruction1486 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the period of reconstruction in the U.S., from 1865-1877, there were plans put in place by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Congress in hopes of a brighter future. Reconstruction took place after the Civil War occurred in the U.S. from 1861-1865. Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War, and he had plans prepared at the end of his presidency because he sensed that the nation would have to be rebuilt through a reconstruction period. 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That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom†(Baslor). These wise words of Abraham Lincoln cleared the way of a desolate trail of violence and pain, yet he was determined to accomplish his plansRead MoreReconstruction During The Civil War Essay1676 Words  | 7 PagesReconstruction The United States went through many changes after the Civil War and during the Reconstruction period of 1866-1877. Before Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on December, 1863, by John Wilkes, Lincoln announced the first Reconstruction plan a year before the Civil War had ended and Lincoln offered general amnesty to white southerners who would pledge an oath of loyalty to the government and accept the abolition of slavery. 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He broke with Congress in early 1866 and then became defiant and tried to block enforcement of Reconstruction laws. In the year of 1865 during the month of March the Freedmen Bureau was established. The Freedmen’sRead MoreReconstruction : The Failure Of Reconstruction1529 Words  | 7 PagesReconstruction: By: Siryet Girma 1,514 words 7 pages Historical Paper Reconstruction: the failure Reconstruction was a failure because African American were still not equal to White Americans. The Emancipation Proclamation was proclaimed in January 1, 1863. It freed more than 3 million slaves in the Confederate states by January 1, 1863, blacks enlisted in the Union Army in large numbers, reaching some 180,000 by war’s
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
United States History to 1877 Free Essay Example, 1000 words
Although Thomas Jefferson penned the original rough draft of the United s’ Declaration of Independence, the document as initially created looks very different from the version that was widely publicized and sent to the British King. In fact, that rough draft was first revised by Jefferson’s close friends Benjamin Franklin, followed by the so-called â€Å"Committee of Five†, consisting of Roger Sherman, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and Robert R. Livingston, and then lastly by the Second Continental Congress as a whole. By the end of that process, the final version had removed the most controversial elements of Jefferson’s political sentiments. By the time the document had been edited and polished by the Continental Congress, it was nearly a full one-fourth shorter than the original draft. Much of the omissions can be attributed to the poetic language that Jefferson used in his original draft. For example, Jefferson writes, â€Å"They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity, and when occasions have been given them by the regular Course of their Laws of removing from their Councils, the Disturbers of our Harmony, they have by their free Election, re-established them in Power†. We will write a custom essay sample on United States History to 1877 or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In the final, published copy, the Declaration says, â€Å"They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity†. The difference is quite clear in terms of the concepts used, such as â€Å"Voice of Justice†, â€Å"Course of their Laws†, â€Å"Disturbers of our Harmony†, and so on. Jefferson’s writing, although lyrical and dramatic in tone, may have been polished and changed in Committee in order to deliver a tight, terse message to the American people and to the British King. Consistent with American ideals of democracy, the language of the document may have been changed to appeal to a wider audience, including those for whom Jefferson’s language may have been too lofty or academic. In addition, one can tell from the many omissions made from Jefferson’s section denouncing the British people for their role in attacks against Americans that the Congress was uncomfortable with alienating t heir supporters overseas. Also, an entire passage in the original Declaration of Independence dedicated to the issue of slavery was edited out of the document, suggesting that the Continental Congress had no interest in committing themselves to abolishing the slave trade essential to the Southern economy. Although Jefferson was slave-owner himself, he blames the British King for waging â€Å"cruel War against human Nature itself†by seizing slaves’ rights to life and liberty and then inciting those people â€Å"to rise in Arms against us†.
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